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categories / Herbals / Tulsi Sleep
Tulsi Sleep
Tulsi Sleep
Two sacred varieties of tulsi: krishna and vana, are blended with anti-stress healing herbs including brahmin, ashwagandha and shankpushpi, which also provide restorative energy needed for healthy sleep.
Tulsi Sleep 1pack
 PackagePer PillPriceSavingsBonusOrder 
1pack × 1 pack €31.34€31.34+ Viagra 
1pack × 2 pack €24.38€48.75€13.93+ Cialis 
1pack × 3 pack €22.05€66.16€27.86+ Levitra 
1pack × 4 pack €20.89€83.58€41.79+ Viagra 
1pack × 5 pack €20.2€100.99€55.72+ Cialis 
1pack × 6 pack €19.73€118.4€69.65+ Levitra 
1pack × 7 pack €19.4€135.81€83.58+ Viagra 
1pack × 8 pack €19.15€153.22€97.5+ Cialis 
1pack × 9 pack €18.96€170.63€111.43+ Levitra 
1pack × 10 pack €18.8€188.04€125.36+ Viagra 

These herbs are blended with Chamomile, Cardamom and Peppermint to create a delicious herbal infusion that promotes a calm, restful sleep.

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